
Diaper Raw Material Manufacturers
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/Import customs clearance for each piece of baby diaper

Import customs clearance for each piece of baby diaper


Import customs clearance for each piece of baby diaper


On May 1st of this year, the national standard GB/T 28004.1-2021 "Diapers Part 1: Baby Diapers" was officially implemented. The technical requirements of the new national standard for baby diapers are mainly divided into three categories:


One is the technical indicators in terms of physical performance, including strip quality deviation, permeability (absorption rate, backflow rate, permeability), surface adhesion, impurities, anti leakage performance, and other indicators.


The second is safety indicators in terms of chemical performance, including heavy metal content (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury), transferable fluorescent substances, acrylamide content, formaldehyde content, phthalate content, decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, and other indicators.


The third is hygiene indicators in terms of microbial or toxicological performance, including microbial indicators, toxicological tests (skin irritation test, skin allergy test), and other indicators.


In addition, when selecting imported diapers, products imported through legitimate channels should be purchased from legitimate stores and websites. Products with rough printing, failure to apply Chinese labels as required, damaged packaging, poor hygiene, and expired shelf life should be carefully selected. If conditions permit, you can also request product testing reports from merchants.

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