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/South Korea's population has declined naturally for 42 consecutive months

South Korea's population has declined naturally for 42 consecutive months


South Korea's population has declined naturally for 42 consecutive months


According to the South Korean "Joongang Daily", the number of newborns in South Korea continued to decline, and the number of newborns in April this year was less than 20,000, which is the first time since the relevant statistics began in 1981 that the number of newborns in April fell below 20,000.


According to the "Population Trends in April 2023" released by the National Statistical Office on June 28, the number of babies born in South Korea in April this year was 18,484, down 2,681 (12.7 percent) from a year ago. The number of babies born in South Korea has declined for 89 consecutive months since December 2015.


The number of deaths was 27,581, down 9,091 (24.8 percent) from a year ago. This is mainly due to the base effect caused by the sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 deaths in April last year. However, as the aging trend of the population continues, the death toll in April this year was the second highest in history after last April.


With the number of deaths higher than the number of newborns, South Korea's population also decreased naturally by 9,097 people in April, marking 42 consecutive months of natural decline since November 2019.


At the same time, 14,475 marriages were registered, 1,320 (8.4 per cent) less than a year ago. It is also a record low by April standards.


The number of marriage registrations increased for eight consecutive months from August last year due to the relaxed quarantine measures against COVID-19, but dropped in April. The number of divorces was 7,288, an increase of 90 (1.3%) compared to a year ago.




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