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/Sustainability of female hygiene products

Sustainability of female hygiene products


Sustainability of female hygiene products


The World Bank believes that the key to improving menstrual health and hygiene is access to affordable and sustainable menstrual products, but millions of women around the world cannot afford these products.


A World Bank blog points to a UNESCO study that found one in 10 girls in sub-Saharan Africa misses school during their menstrual period. Another study in Ethiopia found that 50 percent of girls miss between one and four days of school a month due to menstruation. It is estimated that girls in Kenya lose an average of four days of school every month. That makes them lose 165 days of school over four years of high school life, equivalent to half of the school year. Even in the UK, one study showed that 64% of girls aged 14 to 21 missed part or a whole day of school because they were on their menstrual period. In addition, a 2017 study showed that nearly one in five girls in the U.S. misses school because they can't get menstrual products.


According to a 2016 article in The Washington Post, New York City was the first city in the country to offer free feminine hygiene products to all women in public schools, jails and homeless shelters. “Friends of the Earth” advocates for organic and environmentally friendly menstrual products. According to its website, in addition to plastic pollution, common menstrual products also contribute to climate change. With users using these products emitting a carbon footprint equivalent to 5.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide each year, and can cause improper disposal, clog toilets and even pollute the oceans.


A growing number of brand owners are looking for more sustainable raw materials and removing potentially harmful chemicals from their products. Alternatives such as environmentally friendly banana fibre used by Ugandan and Italian companies in feminine hygiene products. Sugarcane is another raw material option that is slowly being used as an alternative to plastic packaging.


Female health and related menstrual solutions will continue to be a social and economic issue.


Reference massage



Sinbaomaterials all in one can provide female hygiene products such as sanitary napkins and nursing pads and also provide the raw material of sanitary napkins and nursing pads. 

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